Search Assistant

It's free to use our basic signup option, where such suitable rental property are already in our inventory or portfolio. But there are instances whereby prospective tenants would want to contract us to search for an appropriate rental property not in our portfolio or owned by us and to subsequently enroll them onto our Rent Now Pay Later or Monthly service.

The current fixed rate for such paid rental property sourcing service is: GHS1,000 (non-refundable*) - and you don't have to pay one month rent to your agent on the street. There's no cap on the number of viewings we schedule for you - we will keep scheduling until you get a suitable rental property in your preferred location or area, all in less than 90 days (3 months).

* Refundable only if we do not schedule a rental property viewing for you within 90 days. Note: If we schedule but you never make time to view in-person, this sourcing fee will remain non-refundable.


What You Get

You are free to look for a rental property that meets our basic requirements yourself without having to pay us a dime to do such a search for you. You can do this search yourself for the property that meets our service requirements and just update us after finding one to setup the pay monthly option on it for you.

 But if you decide to save yourself the stress that comes with rental property search and sign up for our paid sourcing option, we offer you the following...

• Search for a suitable property within your budget (Note: Maximum rent cap is 50% of your monthly net salary).

• We arrange viewing for you to see for yourself in-person

• We onboard the landlord for GRA Rental Tax


Before you signup

Kindly take note that, rental properties sourced externally does not qualify for our furnishing service option. Instead, you may procure such home/kitchen appliances and furnishing directly from any of our Vendor Partners.


How to Pay

To signup for this sourcing service, you can make the payment via any of the following acceptable payment methods here.




How it works