Tenancy Agreement

The Tenancy Agreement outline below is general or universal in nature and may not be the final document we provide you to sign as each agreement will be specific to each prospective tenant, but it remains a useful material to apprise yourself with before you signup with us.


1. Agreement

› Each party should keep a copy of this tenancy agreement.

› Changes in the particulars of either party must be notified to the other party within 10 working days.

› This contract may not be enforceable against a tenant under the age of 18 (a minor). The Contract and Commercial Law Act may apply.


2. Contact details

› Each party must provide an email address and mobile phone number if they have them.

› Each party must supply a physical address for service in Ghana where notices and other documents relating to the tenancy will be accepted by them, or on their behalf, even after the tenancy has ended. Tenants who supply the rental address as their address for service should update this at the end of the tenancy. Parties may also supply an additional address for service which can include a PO Box, email or facsimile.

› If the landlord is going to be out of Ghana for more than 21 days and has to appoint an agent, the landlord must give the tenant the agent’s name, contact address, mobile phone number (if any), email address (if any) and address for service.


3. Rent

› Landlords shall not require rent to be paid more than 6 months in advance, nor until rent already paid has been used up.

› 60 days’ written notice must be given for rent increases.

› Rent shall not be increased within 12 months of the start of the tenancy or the last rent increase.

› Also for rent to be increased in a fixed-term tenancy, it must be stated in the tenancy agreement.

› Receipts must be given immediately if rent is paid in cash or any acceptable payment method set by the landlord.