
We use a combination of Digital/Virtual Offices and Physical Offices, in line with our operational efficiency policies. It's important to note that, we're not interested in talkshops, especially when you don't qualify to use our services. We have all the time and patience to answer all your questions when you're eligible ,in-person in-office or onsite or via our digital channels (Priority Setting), and it's not obligatory to use our services if you disagree with our pro-productivity ways of operating.


Preliminary enquiries are handled remotely via our digital channels by any of our competent staff. You find a lot of information on this website, especially on the following pages or sections:

How it works


Straightforward Process

FAQs and Glossary



Additionally, all applications are done online via our free simple online form. Automated emails are always sent when you submit. There are no paper forms with us. Not all initial contacts via our digital platforms continue offline - If you're ineligible to use our services, it's useless to schedule any in-person in-office meeting.




In-person in-office or onsite meetings are only scheduled where relevant (viewing, etc) , in line with not turning our platform into a
talkshop, especially when there are NO MANDATORU UPFRONT FEES With Us.
We use a mix of inner-city and construction site offices to compliment our informative website. Our preference for the suburbs over the cities is deliberate, as our operations are never negatively impacted by our unique locations (thanks to advancement in technology).
The physical office location for a meeting is chosen depending on the proximity of your project site, location of construction team members.


1. Home Offices

Some of our workers work from home in line with our Hybrid Work Policy, but you cannot have any meeting in their private homes for security reasons. It's important to note that, it's not everything that must be in-person, in an era of technological advancement.



2. Back Offices

These are not customer-facing locations, but reserved for our staff and subcontractors, for backoffice duties, and occasional storage.



3. Construction Site Offices

Combination of group-owned and existing project owner sites.


i. The DCANS Group Owned Construction Site Offices

As a policy of The DCANS Group Limited, we share resources (including real estate, office spaces, personnel, etc). All Construction Site Offices of DCANS Developments Ghana (Affordable Housing Builder, Corporate Sibling & part of The DCANS Group Limited) are viable physical location places.


ii. Existing Project Owner Site

 If you're an existing client with ongoing works, your own project site is a plausible meeting location, by virtue of the location of a professional. Occasionally, non-existing project owner meetings may be scheduled at that of an existing project owner site (depending on proximity and location of professional or subcontractor at the time of meeting).



4. Subcontractor Offices

An additional physical location with approved subcontractors of our platform. It will make sense mostly if you have an ongoing project to be contact the project team directly



5. Warehouse Offices

Not a customer-facing location of The Builder's Choice Ghana and DCANS Logistics, but some administrative or backoffice duties can be done there.



6. The DCANS Hub

The group is rolling out internet-enabled catered no appointment-required inner-city locations jointly operated as The DCANS Hub, by:

DCANS Kitchens

Supermax Internet


It's important to note that, our physical locations also serves as meeting places and/or physical product pickup locations of all relevant businesses of the TDG Ecosystem:


Reiny's Ghana

PC24 Store Ghana

DCANS Groceries Ghana

The Builder's Choice Ghana


PLEASE NOTE: Our physical locations are not for begging of alms, seeking employment or unsolicited marketing, thoroughfare or loitering. 

You don't have to use our services if you disagree with how we operate or any of the arrangements above.



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